Friday 23 May 2014



Allhamdullillah, we have been success to present our project Digital pH Meter. Even the Digital pH Meter can't shows a result as we want, we manage to explain to the jury of FYP Presentation-Day the functionality of the Digital pH Meter. Thanks to our supervisor, Mdm. Norhayati for helping us and provide us some guide on long period of Digital pH Meter construction until a Presention-Day.

Friday 16 May 2014


Construct Arduino

The result on display of pH measurement work well by testing using breadboard. Now we assemble all component on it own casing that we make. On this short time only one week left, we using a straight-board because we won't have enough time to hatching a PCB.


The result still won't work as well as we expected but we manage to complete the construction of it case. The display didn't show right result this time.

Tuesday 6 May 2014



 On our research, we have been use same circuit but not using same PIC of Arduino circuit. That is mean our circuit is has the same build and component of Arduino. So we have plan to use an Arduino to replace our previous circuit that we have been construct.

Arduino is a lot easier to use and we can learn using it by one week. The plan of using Arduino work pretty well. In this week, we don't have quite enough time to hatching new PCB, so we assemble all component include use breadboard to test it and programmed it by using same formula that we use on previous PIC.

We hope that the result would be as what as we expected.

Thursday 1 May 2014



            The result for this project is, this project has not been able to achieve some of the objective. Digital pH meter we’ve made is not close loop type circuit. This is because our digital pH meter from finish of manufacturing its work well and show a result. But after editing a calculation that we use to program our main controller PIC and troubleshoot it cause a lot of damage.

            To complete the project, a lot of research are need to be done to collect the information about this project. The method we use in the project is also important to make sure the project can function well. Knowledge in software and skill on hardware is also important in completing the project.

           Designing the project using software such as Proteus, Altium, and MicroC Pro give us a lot of experience and need to spend a lot of time while studying using it more efficiently and we hope it can be implement in the future.

So we have need to plan a new way to finish this project before FYP presentation on week 14.